Thursday, October 7, 2021

Blog Post #6 - Diffusion of Innovations

Diffusion of Innovations theory is the rate of new ideas and technology that is being spread all over. It is the process by which an innovation is being communicated overtime in society. One social media platform that fits the Diffusion of Innovations theory is Instagram. Instagram is one of the most used apps today in society of people from all different age groups. Instagram became more and more popular as years have gone on. There are new features and benefits that have been added to instagram over the years that draw attention to users. Today instagram is still improving and continuously growing. 

Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Kreiger. They created a prototype app that was called Burbn, which allowed people to check-in where they were on the app. Instagram fully launched on October 6, 2010 and they had instant growth. The app had roughly about 100,000 users in just one week and then 1 million in two months. Instagram was growing very rapidly. Facebook decided to buy Instagram for $1 billion in 2012. There are about 600 million active users on Instagram and this number will only continue to grow in coming years. Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to create a profile about themselves and post any content they would like others to see. People can post pictures, videos and interact with others on their pages. This app is always allowing the flow of communication channels between people. Today, you can even shop on instagram, look at reels, there are so many different little features that Instagram has added that users did not have before. 

Since technology is growing very rapidly these days, there are pros and cons of using social media and staying away from it. Since most age groups are always on their phones on different social media platforms, you can stay up to date with the latest news, communicate with people and share your own content. Social media can easily influence others and it can put a negative effect on an individual. I believe that there should be a certain time span that people use social media. I do not think it is the healthiest for us as humans. These bigger media platforms can be full of hate and negativity which is not the best to read into. I find that I benefit from not spending so much time on these platforms because it's not good for my mental health. People might also choose to stay away from social media for privacy and safety reasons. The less you post and give out your information on the internet, the more people will not know about you.

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