Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Blog Post #2 - Supreme Court

The SCOTUS is the highest federal court in the United States and the ultimate check and balance to the power of congress and the president. I think it is extremely interesting that more than 100 justices have served on the U.S Supreme Court since its first session in 1790. I also was shocked to see such a low number considering the size of our population but there are also many specific credentials that one must fit into in order to be a supreme court justice. These justices also are appointed for life which means they can only be removed through impeachment. It was also interesting to see in the video that a committee does not vote on a justice instead they vote to send a nomination to the full senate “ with a recommendation of approval or rejection” and the final votes simply requires a simple majority of senators present to pass. The video provided a good amount of information that I did not know about the Supreme Court and it was very informative and I felt that there were many takeaways from it. The video made me feel more informed about the Supreme Court and this aspect of our government. I also believe that every piece of information in the video is important to gain basic knowledge about our Supreme Court because this is the highest court in our government and it is the last resort for those looking for justice. 

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