Monday, October 18, 2021

Blog Post #10 - EOTO Presentation

After looking at all of the presentations, one that sparked my interest the most was the presentation on facial pasting. I believe a couple students in class touched upon this in class. I find that this is something common that people use in society to make fun of others or even for comedy purposes. People use these face pastings on other influencers, famous people or even your friends. It can be on anyone saying anything. One video that a presenter showed in class on their youtube channel, her boyfriend made a video and pasted Nido’s face on the character. They made it so that his eyes were blinking and lips were moving and had a recording so that he could say anything. It is really interesting to see how other people use technology and the tools to put this kind of content on social media. Technology continues to grow rapidly and will only improve from here. Even in movies, facial pasting is something that occurs when we as watchers might not even know it. In some movies producers will take pastings of actors or actresses face and body without even having them in the film. In the future, I believe that facial pastings will become more common in society. 

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