Thursday, September 2, 2021

Blog Post #1 - Top 5 news sources

Snapchat - One of my main sources of information on news that I receive is from snapchat. Snapchat allows me to see all different types of news and articles that are going on all over the world. On the main page of snapcaht, catagories pop up like, people magazine, beauty and cosmetics, sports news, etc.
I really like news from snapchat because it allows you to look at different catagories of news and you can read deeper into what is going on in that subject. I would recommend snapchat to others because not only is it a high usage app that everyone interacts on, but you can also find interesting news you may not find on other social media platforms.


Facebook - Facebook is another way I receive information and news. When I scroll through my feed, sometimes news channels will pop up with a current issue in the world. Facebook also allows people to comment, like and share anyones post which can show activity that is done on peoples posts. I like facebook because it is very open-ended and allows you to interact with others and find news. I would recommend this app to someone because its a great way to interact with others and you can easily find news when scrolling through the home page.


Tik Tok - Tik Tok is one of the most popular social media plaforms that are used today. Tik tok is a great way to keep up with certain trends that are going on and news. Tik tok has an icon at the bottom that says "discover". When you click on discover, it allows you to look up anything of your interest, whether that can be sports or cosmetics. Another trendy thing tik tok has is that when people post videos, they use hashtags. I would recommend this app to someone because it is a great way to stay up to date on what other people are posting. 

Twitter - Twitter is more of an opinion based app which allows people to make comments on others posts, thoughts that they have, really anything they want to post and let people see. Twitter is a very interactive app which can keep people up to date of what is going on. I do use twitter to look into the latest news and big issues that are happening in our world. I find it really interesting to look at peoples posts about the latest news and their opinion about it. It is interesting to see what other people have to say about certain issues. I would recommend twitter to someone because it is an app where you can be really interactive with anyone and it is a great way to stay up to date about news. Twitter also allows easy access for anyone that is looking to make their own account and create their own posts. 

USA Today - USA Today is one of the most well known websites where you can find any latest news and any information. I use USA Today if I want to look up news articles, breaking stories that are occuring, and any current events that are taking place. USA Today is also not just a website for news, you can look up for any sports thats occuring or other entertainment. I would recommend students my age to use USA Today because this website allows you to look up anything within your interest and stay up to date with the latest news. 

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